When I first saw Kick-Ass I was dissapointed to be honest. Having read the graphic novel I was annoyed that some of the lead characters were completely rewritten by screen writer and wife of Wossy Jane Goldman. They just came across as more sympathetic. I would of liked it to be a lot more faithful to the book than what it actually was.
Mark Miller (creator of the comic) and Matthew Vaughn (Film director) worked together on the project. Miller concentratd on the material for the comic Vaughn concentrated on the material for the movie. Even thouhg I'm aware of this I still think it's pretty rubbish that the film didn't stick to the comic more. It also shows (in my opinion) that this sort of 'production' doesn't work because it will end in dissapointment for some fans.Someone raised the point ealrier that the comic was still being made when the film was in production hence why some things may be different.
The first hour was awesome and had me going "Oh yeah, great scene from the book". But after that it went a bit wrong.
The whole point of Kick-Ass was it was more based in reality although some of that in the comic is also questionable Ok, Hit Girl doing all her ninja assasination stuff is totally unbelievable as well but atleast it was part of the original story.

While being based on the comic book, Kick-ass had several notable differences than its comic inspiration.
Kick-Ass has been shown to be the only character in the film with a similar costume to his comic book counterpart. All of the other main characters have different costumes in the film.
Frank D'Amico is called John Genovese in the comic book. The name is taken from the Genovese crime family.
In the film, when Big Daddy quizzes Hit Girl, they are in the armory while Mindy plays with her new knife. In the book, he quizzes her on a communication device whilst she is killing gangsters in a bar, with him providing over-watch with a sniper rifle.
In the film, Hit Girl and Big Daddy track Kick-Ass home by re-routing his IP address and tracing a discharge from his taser. In the comic, they simply follow him home.
Big Daddy is not actually an ex-cop in the comics, as he admits to Genovese and Dave shortly before his death. He was in fact an accountant who, much like Dave, fantasized about being a superhero. He made up a fake history of himself and lied that he was an ex-cop with a personal vendetta against John Genovese (Frank D'Amico). He also gets money for himself and Mindy by selling his rare comic books.[108] His comic backstory is touched in the film by his use of comic terminology in the attempted execution scene.
In the film, Big Daddy is killed by being burned and succumbing to his injuries. In the comic, he is shot through the back of the head (in a graphic depiction as the bullet exits through his left eye socket), shortly after he reveals that he was never a cop.
When Kick-Ass is being tortured, he is not just beaten up like in the film, he has a car battery hooked up to his testes and is shocked extensively. The mobsters do not broadcast this torture session on the internet, as they do in the film.
In the comic, Dave never becomes Katie's boyfriend; after he reveals that he was not gay, she calls him a pervert for pretending to be gay and orders her boyfriend to beat Dave. Afterwards they send him a picture of Katie performing fellatio on the boyfriend. In the film, Katie forgives Dave for pretending that he was gay, realizing that Dave loves her, and she became Dave's girlfriend.
At the end of the comic when Red Mist is vowing his revenge against Kick-Ass, he is in fact writing an e-mail which he sends to him, as opposed to the film when he is just talking to himself.
In the comic, Kick-Ass does not use a jetpack outfitted with machine guns during the climactic battle. In fact, he does not kill anyone at all. Instead, he finds and pummels Red Mist with two large pieces of wood, while Hit Girl kills everyone else.
In the film, it is implied that cocaine dealing is the only criminal activity Frank D'Amico's organization is involved with. In the comic, it is clearly stated that John Genovese's organization is involved in gambling and pornography, as well as drugs.

Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) was funny but surely it would of been better to stick to the book with his story arc? He actually says sorry to Kick-Ass (Aaron Johnson)!?! The relationship Dave has with Katie (Lyndsy Fonseca) in this was terrible and missed the point.
When we started discovered Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage) & Hit Girl's (Chloe Moretz) origin I think that ruined the whole film. I spent a good amount of time wondering when we were going to see his t(r)unk with the back issues in but I realised it was pointless when his former partner tracked him down. He was a cop!?! What sort of rubbish is that. Big Daddy was the ultimate fan boy who took his love for costumed heroes to the extreme and actually went way to far.
Surely no one was expecting it to be that much different though?
I must admit Nic Cage was good in this though and his Adam West voice was particuly funny.
The ending was also a bit of a let down. I should of been more alert when we didn't see Kick-Ass getting his balls fried at the start of the film. And a jet pack!?! What was that all about?
I think the whole point of Kick-Ass was missed in this film.
Ha, I know I am ranting a bit so I will shut up. I really liked this film but just felt a bit let down that certain stuff was changed for the worse.
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