Over on the SFX forum someone who is normally pretty reliable for info posted a brief synopsis of the first two episodes Pt. 1: The Impossible Astronaut and Pt. 2: Day of the Moon.
The episode opens with the Doctor in France getting caught posing nude for a female painter, then it cuts to Rory and Amy in what appears to be their new home while Rory has Laurel and Hardy on. When they aren't looking the doctor wearing a Fez comes up to the screen and waves. The mail comes and they receive a TARDIS blue envelope that has the number 3 on the back, the envelope just has the date and coordinates for Utah, USA. It cuts to the Storm cage where River gets her mail and receives the same envelope but with a 2 on the back and she escapes.
Rory and Amy arrive in Utah and meet up with The Doctor who sent the envelopes, River arrives, they stop at a diner and compare diaries. This Doctor and River seem pretty in sync, so they have a picnic, he mentions they have a mission in 1969 regarding the moon.
Amy asks how old he is and says he is now 1103, Amy states last time they saw him two months prior he was only 908. So this Doctor is the Future Doctor - 300 years in the future. Amy looks a cliff and sees a Silent and flips out but she looks down and forgets. The Doctor says the line from the Trailer about needing to stop running, and when he looks at a cliff he sees an old man standing there, turns around and the Astronaut is in the water.
He approaches the Astronaut says it's OK I know who you are and what you are going to do. As he opens the Spaceman's visor the camera pans so you don't see who it is. Amy, Rory and River wondering from a distance who it is. Then next thing you know BAM! The Spaceman fires a laser gun at him. BAM! Again fires more shots. He looks at his hands as they start to glow gold and I think he said I'm sorry its happening again. And right before he was about to burst in regenerative energy BAM! He gets shot one more time. They run to him all flipping out and River is furiously firing her gun at the Spaceman, Amy seeing The Silent again, The Doctor is dead. No life signs, no regeneration. Just dead.
The old man comes down. He has a TARDIS blue envelope as well. His is numbered 4. It's an aged Canton Everett Delaware The 3rd. And he brought a can of kerosene/gasoline to burn the Doctor's body. Rory decides to do it "with honour" as he spots a rowboat. They place the doctor's body inside and set it on fire and push it out into the water. When they head back to the diner, Amy notices another TARDIS blue envelope with the number 1, they ask the diner who it is and he just says some guy but he is in the bathroom, River surmises who it is and asks who does the Doctor trust the most. The door opens and out pops The Doctor. Looking goofy as ever saying he just went to get his favorite straw because it makes drinks more fizzy. River calls him cruel, Amy and Rory are in shock. River tells Amy to ask how old he is and he says he is 908.
At the end of Episode 1 you find out who Amy shoots. It's the girl calling Nixonb in the Teaser, she is trapped in the spacesuit, which can move on its on. She is a prisoner of the Silents. Amy and Canton go to investigate the home she is from, Amy find her room and see her pictures, one of which is Amy holding a baby. Rory and River have to save the Doctor from NASA because he got arrested.
The Doctor goes to the Silence' base which River and Rory found in episode 1 (its the Lodger TARDIS or at least a duplicate) and The Doctor pretty much lays down the law. Saying he hates guns but River not so much. She would easily kill 8 of them without hesitation. Stuff happens River starts killing Silents, Rory tries to save Amy, the Doctor sonics her free and then joins River in the onslaught and uses the Sonic Screwdriver as a weapon shooting energy blasts. They return Canton to the White House and then are on their way and you cut to the final scene.
You see a hobo going through the trash and she comes stumbling through. He asks " are you alright little girl?" and she says "No ::cough cough:: I'm dying..." The homeless man sounds startled and confused "... but it's OK" she says "because it's starting" her hands and body starts to glow bright orange and energy starts to float off of her, the hobo gets scared and runs away and WOOOOOOOOSH! This unknown 6-8 year old girl starts regenerating. And then it cuts to the credits.
Make of it what you will but if it turns out to be true that is pretty frickin awesome...
Oh my god this is so awesome! I have to thank you a trillion times for this brilliant summary! So it was the doctor who dies... I wonder who this girl is and what might happen to the Doctor after the cremation. :(
ReplyDeletecould the girl regenerating be the doctor and amy's daughter? she sounds slightly like amy but can regenerate? i think it is.
ReplyDeletebur this is rеally strangе. Amy and thе Doctor..
ReplyDeleteyou mеan that this is rеal 1st and 2nd еpisodеs' summary?
ReplyDeleteLike I said I have no idea if this is true lol. Believe of it what you will.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous! Get down here!
ReplyDeleteYour dinner's ready!!
So was it right then? lol!
ReplyDeleteWhooaaaahhh .. You were right about the first bit so it might Be amy && Doctor's daughter...
ReplyDeleteOh my god!!! So the little girl starts regenerating?!!! Is she amys daughter because there was a picture of Amy holding a baby in her house? But how can she regenerate? I can't wait for the rest of the episodes!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG, THE LITTLE GIRL IS A TIMELORD. or, Part timelord?.
ReplyDeleteMAYBE, The little girl is somthing to do with River, maybe it's River and the doctors daughter, Or maybe River is a timelord and thats her as a child, but then why would she kill the doctor, unless she wasn't the one in the space suit.
Also, the picture of Amy and the baby, also her thinking she was pregnant and then the scanner going all over the place, could have something to do with the silents taking her, and then saying they need her, but are almost done. ??/
Who was the woman with the eyepatch???
ReplyDeleteomg that was exactly what i was thinking!!! i was thinking about the fact that it could be amy and the doctors daughter, i rlly hope so, but then i wonder what will happen to river and rory???
ReplyDeleteI think the little girl in the space suit who killed the doctor is river song as she has said in previous episode that she killed a good man, she also said in last nights episode that her past is his future, i dont think the girl at the end who regenerates is amy and the doctors doughter at all! as what they were saying in the tardis was over heard by rory, and amy and the doctor knew this, i really think that the girl regenerates is actually river song as a girl becouse she is a time lady, who is the rani, a charicter from the classic series.
ReplyDeleteI think the girl is amys daughter. I think there is some significance in the part where Amy was joking with the doctor about the baby having a time head. and maybe it'll turn out to be river as well. We'll just have to wait and see.
ReplyDeleteome on people be a little more imaginative than that. This is Moffat we're talking about. It cant be this obvious. We shouldnt be able to just guess. Think about it the young girl (and this is just a verdict) could be half human, half timelord. She could be not completely regenerating but just healing her wounds. The girl i beleive is definitly amy's because the silence monsters said that they wanted her for something they said that she brought the silence. If you think about it amy allegedly kills this woman with the patch. Maybe she has something to do with it too. Also another thing we dont really know what the doctor true feeling are he said that it would never work not that he didnt like her. maybe something is going to happen between them in the future. as for river nobody really knows who she is except she killed 'a good man' it cant be the doctor because that would be too obvious. the silence have been manipulating the human race for ages maybe they manipulated the thing to happen with the doctor and amy. maybe they manipulated the monsters to come together and put the doctor in the pandorica. come on now the daleks actually working with someone. the cybermen the sontarans it cant be. its all been a set up and the silence monsters are the puppet marsters.
ReplyDeleteIf you also recall, river said to Amy that when she meets the doctor for the last time, he knows nothing about her, but when he meets her for the first time he knows everything about her, which as River says, is very intoxicating to a young girl.
ReplyDeleteSo, we have already seen the day River dies and when the Doctor knows nothing about her, which was in the episodes "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of Shadows", when she is placed into the computer moon's memory banks so that she survives in some form.
River could be the daughter of Amy which would explain why the Doctor knows a lot about her when she first meets him, and, Amy might be a timelord because in all the interviews she mentions she has a HUGE secret that will change her relationship with the Doctor, and don't forget, she didn't remember the Daleks, which could be an important fact.
Maybee.... the 'good man' River killed was the father of the little girl that 'regenerates' that could be River and the 'good man's' daughter.....
ReplyDeleteRiver song is obviously the person in the spacesuit at the start of the first episode. - the Doctor is the good man she kills and hence why she is in prison. The rest to me is a mystery!
ReplyDeleteI really don't think it's "obvious" that river is the person in the spacesuit. It's possible, but not definite. It's amazing how many theories, arguments and speculation comes out of doctor who though. Compliments to SM!
ReplyDeletei can't wait to find out who amy's baby actually is. She could be that little girl, who regenerates and so the doctor's daughter too. But were amy and the doctor ever actually together? I hope the doctor doesn't die and they can change it all somehow.
ReplyDeleteReally interesting, these two episodes. The first episode hints at everything that is to come, yet subtely, so you won't know what is happenig until episode 7, 'A good man goes to war'. The first 2 episodes show the introduction of Kovarian, The silence, Amy's child, The girl in the spacesuit, and, although unnoticable at first, the fake Amy. Now there's a spoiler for you.
ReplyDeletewoww intresting episodes series 6 had gone off with a bang and the finale is just shocking when we find out who river song is...............
ReplyDeletethe girl that killed the doctor was amys daughter who is river song