As some of you that follow me on Twitter and Facebook will know it was my birthday yesterday and having become a bit of a Twitter addict over this last year I wondered if I could get a Happy Birthday tweet from a celeb. Unsurprisingly I just found it an opportunity to take the piss a bit. Much to the annoyance of some of my followers (who's twitter feeds were probably clogged up for ages with my ramblings). Anyway here they are.
Hi @thedappy it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet? I love your music. - from NDubz.
Hi @piersmorgan it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet? @Lord_Sugar bet me £1000 you wouldn't.
Hi @Lord_Sugar it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet? I own all your books and still used my Amstrad.
Hi @THERussellGrant how about sending some of that love I keep showing you my way. it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet?Cheers :D
Hi @patsharp it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet? I still watch my old VHS tapes of Fun House on a daily basis.
Hi @domjoly you blocked me recently for fuck all but it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet?I still find your giant phone gag funny
Hi @caroldecker it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet? I've got a load of china in my hands and I'm not afraid to smash it if not. - Lead singer of 80's band Tpau.
Hi @TheoPaphitis it's my birthday 2day.Any chance of a retweet?Iu r my favourite Dragon after the man with long black hair and shoulder pads.
Hi @thekeithchegwin you blocked me last year after a comment regarding your jokes but it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet?
Hi @Only1AlexReid it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet?I I voted for you over 100 times when you were in Big Brother. - Ex-husband of Jordan.
Hi @WayneRooney it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet? I'm a real #ManUtd fan. I live in London and everything.
Hi @therealgokwan it's my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet? I wear all your fashions.
Hi @johnprescott its my 33rd birthday today. Any chance of a retweet? U r the reason I became a boxer.
Hi @BearGrylls its my birthday today. Any chance of a retweet? I'm tweeting this to u from a self made shelter of snow in Antarctica.
Hi @RobbieSavage8 its my birthday today any chance of a RT. I've got amazing hair like u but I'm really shit at dancing ... and football.
Hi @JKCorden its my birthday today. Anychance of a RT? I've taken multiple punches 2 the face defending your role in #Doctorwho - Gavin & Stacy star James Corden.
Hi @ajhmurray it's my birthday today. Any chance of a RT? I'm a massive fan. GARLIC BREAD!!! - Comedian Al Murray.
As you can see there was probably a good reason why no one bothered (That is of course if they saw them at all) but I did get a response from Russell Grant, Carol Decker and Nicola Bryant who played companion Peri Brown in Doctor Who back in the 80's.
@THERussellGrant Happy solar return Scorpio LA! x
@thenicolabryant happy birthday. Your mate @ccbaxter suggested you might like a tweet. Have a great day. :)
Oh well. Maybe I'll try again next year.*
*By the way I've no idea why I'm using a picture of Charlie Sheen here. I just thought it would give this blog post some credibility *Cough*.