
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Doctor Who goes X-Rated!?! Nah, it wasn't his Sonic Screwdriver hanging out.

This weeks episode of Doctor Who 'The Lodger' seemed to cause some controversy and it wasn't because of comedian and general annoyance James Corden.

Doctor Who fans sent message boards into overdrive as they were convinced they
had seen more of actor Matt Smith than they were supposed to.In new episode The
Lodger, which aired on BBC One on Saturday evening and guest starred Gavin And
Stacey's James Corden, the Time lord dropped his towel as he left the bathroom,
and fans claimed that by freeze framing the show at 15 minutes and ten seconds
they caught a glimpse of Matt's manhood.But a BBC spokesperson said: "Fans might
speculate about what they saw. But I can assure them that Matt wasn't totally
naked when he filmed these scenes. He was sporting an item to protect his
modesty."One Dr Who fan who posted details on a website claimed: "It is true,
you can clearly see. Yes, while millions were watching the football I really did
see the Doctor's w***y."
While you can clearly imagine the BBC would never make such an error for investigation purposes myself and a friend felt we should discover the truth.

As you can see it's clearly a pouch he is wearing but I am sure the POINTS OF VIEW clan will be writing in about it while also ranting about the headbutting scene as well.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to assess my life and try and find out the reason I obtained photos of a freeze framed part naked Time Lord.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Doctor Stew - Series 5 Trailer Parody

This is awesome. Thought I'd share it with you. Not really watched much Family Guy in the past but I know enough to love this.

What do you think?

Check out the website here -

Here is the original trailer for Series 5 to compare it to.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

SFX print my letter about Doctor Who's new theme tune in #197

Much to my suprise and mainly because I forget I'd ever emailed it I discovered yesterday that my favourite magazine printed my letter regarding the new theme tune for Doctor Who. Thought I'd share it with you below along with a YouTube link to the actual theme.

I love the new theme which saw it's first outing with 'The Eleventh Hour'. I wasn't sure at first but it has grown on me now I have listened to it a few times. The Moff said he was trying to bring some of the old stuff back into the programme and it's pretty clear the theme is a nod to this. People forget he's been heavily influenced by watching the show as a kid and I think the titles and the theme all have influences from past doctors going back now 30 years. I think the new theme is a cross between 80's Who and the NuWho theme from Russell T Davies era. Murray Gold has come up trumps again and I am so glad he continued to write the music for the relaunch. Thumbs up all around from me SFX.
Oh, and before I forget that bloke called Matt Smith is fantastic isn't he.

So what do you think of the new theme? Have you grown to love it or does it still make your ears bleed?